Sunday Baking

Sunday Baking

I absolutely love Sundays! We start with a walk with WIlbur (our dog) to get coffee from the cafe down the road, followed by an epic big Sunday breaky together as a family. I get lost for hours in my garden, and I shop, prep, cook and...

A Few Tips For Staying Well

A Few Tips For Staying Well

After having 3 of my 4 children home sick with flu and fevers for nearly two weeks, aside from wanting some much needed ‘mummy time’, it has made me realise how important it is to be and stay well in the first place. Well, as well as...

Starting With Yoga

Starting With Yoga

This week I made the decision to resume my yoga practise after many months. I may have also had a gentle push from a couple of my lovely friends. It’s crazy the mental limitations I put on myself to not start sooner.  When I’m feeling...

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