New Socials, New Website, New Intro & Update

I thought as I have all new lovely social media pages, due to an unfortunate ‘hacking and disabling’ of my original accounts. And the fact I also have a gorgeous new website, that I’d love to share with you, plus lots of other life changes and news it would be the perfect time to re introduce myself and what I do.

At the time it was really frustrating and upsetting losing my social media and everything that goes with it, the silver lining is that perhaps it was a perfect time for a fresh start.

Currently I am completely my training and study to upgrade my Nutrition qualifications, and have about 5-6 months to go. I shall be a qualified Nutritionist also specialising in Sport Nutrition & Health Coaching, which I am very, very excited about.

I love the simple pleasures of life, I love my family and spending time with them, I love my friends, I love my business & team, I adore my home, I love gardening, cooking, reading, the beach, meditation, yoga, walks with my dog Wilbur, my chooks and travelling our insanley beautiful country and O/S. (obviously not right now).

I will always find the silver lining in any situation and see the glass half full. I understand to my core that we get one very precious life and to go for everything you want in it, it serves no one to play small, and I understand that we are blessed with just one incredible body and to nurture, love and honor it! My friend Essie said her mum Joy used to say, ‘Your body is a temple, not an amusement park’, I have always loved that.

I love, and am curious about everything to do with nutrition, health & wellness, and live a healthy lifestyle with my gorgeous family. I love to grow, prepare and cook delicious, nutritious food for my family, it brings me so much joy. However, I am possibly not the most traditional of Nutritionists, as I do enjoy a good coffee and glass of wine (or two), and I believe that in order to achieve true wellness, authentically, we need to incorporate all the things we love into our life, deprivation does not spark joy or happiness, which is interconnected to wellness. Some of our loves perhaps need to be in moderation of course. I think if they ranked Nutritonist from Very Good to Very Naughty, I’d probably be in the ‘Bit Naughty’ category, I’m happy to wear the hat of Naughty Nutritionist, if the shoe fits right!

On that note another project I have been working on the past 10-12 months, is a book, that may incorporate the theme of Naughty Nutritionist, that I am absolutely crazy loving to create, it’s a little bit fun, little bit naughty, hopefully a lot helpful, very interactive and beautiful. I hope to have it finished by the end of September or October, more on that in a future post, standby.

I also have the most incredible health, wellness and beauty business that is a pleasure to work in each and everyday, it is a simple yet smart and beautiful way to do business online. I am always on the look out for amazing like minded people that want to work and earn and live their way. People with passion that get up and really live their life inspire me hugely. I am blessed to have aligned myself with a company that places, people, planet & product before profit. Rare, divine and my kinda company!

I have major goals to kick this year and I just feel so very blessed for all the opportunities I have and can share with others. I would love you to like and share my pages that hopefully offer helpful information and nutritional advise, and I would really love your feedback on my website and I would also like to help with any questions you may have or if you would like to share information on a particular subject.

Thank you for reading this blog and I hope to see you or chat with you soon.

Love Megs xxx

